How to be Happier, Because Science Says

The news is already depressing withoutnews about depression, but here’s the thing. A recent study says depression has risen 33% in the U.S. in the past three years, and it’s raised 47% in millennials. This obviously is not great but hey,at least there’s finally something else other than debt that we have more of than any other generation.

More good news, science is here to help us turn things around! Here are the five things science says you can do to be happier today.

  • Spend More Time With Friends and Loved Ones. The more time you spend alone, the more unhappy you’re likely to be. The American Heart Association found that being isolated not only makes you sad, it also increases your risk of death, hospitalization, and emergency department visits.Yikes.Get out of your house and go see your friends stat!
  • Develop an Exercise Routine.You don’t need to beSimone Bilesfit but you do need to get off your chair. A study by Duke University showed just 30 minutes of brisk exercise three times a week is as effective asdrug therapywhen it comes to fighting depression. SoZo-liftso you don’t have toZo-loft.
  • Write.Writing more could be thecheat codeyou’re looking for to get happy. The key is “expressive writing” with the aim of putting your thoughts and feelings into words. Putting pen to paper, or fingers to blogging, will improve your mood, well-being, and reduce your stress levels.
  • Earn More.Money can buy happiness.A Princeton University study showed that an annual income of $75,000 is the sweet spot and that as income goes down from there, so too does the amount of unhappiness people report.Find a side hustle you can enjoy and earn some extra smile bucks.
  • Increase Your Fruit and Vegetable Intake.Researchers at Social Science & Medicine found increasing the quantity and frequency you take in fruits and vegetables will significantly improve your mental health and happiness.Oh, kale yeah!

Source:Thrive Global

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