Hoody Reviews 'Terminator: Dark Fate' in 60 Seconds or Less!

I got to see Terminator: Dark Fate early and it was A LOT better than I thought it was going to be based on the other Terminator films that weren't that great!

Dark Fate is now canonically (meaning in the same timeline) as the first TWO Terminator movies because James Cameron is attached to the film and while it kind of stinks that they "ret-conned" everything that we've known with the Terminator franchise, I'm glad they did!

Here are some of my initial, SPOILER-FREE, thoughts on the film and what stood out to me:

  • The OGs (Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton) OWN the film and were my favorite parts
  • The film is directed by former Deadpool director Tim Miller so expect so well-balanced action and comedy
  • I didn't really care for the new cast, even by the end of the film
  • Forget what you know about other Terminator movies because James Cameron doesn't care about Skynet anymore
  • There is no end credits scene, even though, I feel like there should have been one

Watch my full review for Terminator: Dark Fate below:

I'm giving Terminator: Dark Fate 8.1 out of 10 Thumps Up Slowly Falling Into Lava, so go see the film because it's a great time if you love the franchise or just want an action movie to combat Frozen 2 later this month! Terminator: Dark Fate is in theaters now!

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures

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