Millennials 13 Times More Likely to Buy a Haunted House!

Do you watch IT and think“wow that house Pennywise is terrorizing those kids in is actually pretty dang nice!”If so, you’re probably a millennial!

According to a survey, millennials are 13 times more likely than baby boomers to buy a haunted house.If you thought the ghosts were scary, wait till you see the mortgage!

Why are millennials ok with living in places horrific murders have taken place? Well, it’s not so much a yearning desire to live their own American Horror Story. It’s mostly just because we’re broke!

For obvious reasons, haunted homes with sketchy histories go for a lower price and since 31 percent of millenials have a budget under $200,000, it’s a spooky “pickers can’t be choosers” situation. A whopping 67 percent of millennials say they’re willing to buy a fixer-upper.I think we can blame HGTV for this house flipping, ghostbusting confidence.

Here’s some more fun facts when it comes to the ghoulish gender gap in haunted real estate:

  • Men are twice as likely to live near a cemetery
  • Men are 2.4 times more likely to purchase a haunted home
  • Men are three times more likely to live in a home where someone was murdered.

If you’re in the market for a home and want to know if it’s haunted, the laws in most states protect realtors from disclosing things up front, but Real Estate Agent Dana Bull says “if you or your agent asks a seller’s agent directly, they must answer truthfully.”


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