Ever since the first season of "Jersey Shore: Family Vacation" Vinny Guadagnino has been dubbed the "Keto Guido" because a year or so before they started filming he cut out carbs and it changed his life forever. The other guys in the house, Pauly D, Mike, and Rahn were making fun of him picking the toppings off of his pizza saying he was no longer considered Italian (but now, Mike "The Situation" who's been in prison, turned to Keto and now understands why Vinny did was he did...but that's for another time).
Vinny now has a book deal and is on a book tour and his Vegas on Wednesday, which was the perfect opportunity for best friend, Pauly D, to come and crash - and he did it in the most Pauly D fashion that he could - with extra protestors, a megaphone, picket fence signs that read "Cheto Guido", "Ain't Nothing Keto About This Guido", and my personal favorite, "My Carbs, My Choice", all with photos of Vinny eating pizza with the crust on the other side.
It's hilarious, and yes, there were cameras, so expect it to be on the next season of "Jersey Shore: Family Vacation"!