Paul Dano to Play The Riddler in Robert Pattinson's Batman Movie!

We FINALLY know who at least one of the villains will be in Robert Pattinson's Batman movie!

Yesterday our friends at Variety reported that Paul Dano, known primarily for There Will Be Blood and Prisoners, will start as Edward Nygma/The Riddler in the upcoming film!

Now we already knew that Zoe Kravitz was playing Catwoman in the film and that the rumors of Jonah Hill being cast as Penguin were false, but so far I'm kind of down for a modern version of the character!

It's been rumored that The Batman will feature multiple iconic characters from the Dark Knight’s vast rogues’ gallery, so you can probably expect more casting news in the near future!

The next Batman movie will release on June 25, 2021 and to see a concept image as to what Dano would look like as The Riddler, then check out the image below!


Photo Credit: Getty Images

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