We Make These Dating Mistakes In Our 20s And They Follow Us Forever

Since we’re youngins, we can still get away with making those crazy mistakes when it comes to our boos and worrying about the repercussions later. Too bad, they’ll always come back to haunt us.

Here’s some examples Madame Noire is sharing with us:

  • Mild stalking- Because you did a little Facebook stalking, you found out that some chick kept tagging him and saying how cute he was. When you confronted him, he told you it was his big sis.Boy did you look stupid!
  • Not using protection- It was so good in the moment, but now all your 20-year-old fun is over. Now you’ve got twin babies to take care of for the next 18-years. Congrats!
  • Damaging his belongings- So he cheated with his ex and you decide to burn everything he owned “Left Eye Style.” You almost killed him when you burned down the house and ended up in jail. Good luck explaining that on your next job interview.
  • Getting engaged too quickly and often- You just knew you guys were meant to be together forever that you got married down at the courthouse. Because you didn’t sign that prenup Trust Fund baby, it’s time to split everything in half for the divorce.No more lavish summer trips.
  • Dating a lot in your industry-Everyone knows you dated Don, Ray, and Jason. We all work and network in the same group, and you know how guys talk. And we’re all aware of what you did with them to get that promotion. SMH
  • Dating the wrong way in your industryFinancial entanglements- You guys were “so in love” that you bought a car together. Now you’ve gone your separate ways, he took the car, and you’re stuck with the payments.
  • Cheating- Dating her best friend was only good for the moment because now...she’s your boss. It’s funny how the tables turn, huh?

Source:Madame Noire

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