This Is How Much Of Our Lives We Spend Doing Things We Enjoy

Between long commutes and side hustles, we’re busy, anxious, and feeling burned out. And while most of us can’t quit our jobs, there is something we can do that relieves stress and makes us feel good, the problem is we’re not doing enough of it. So what is this fix? Spending time doing things we actually enjoy.

According to new research from the U.K.’s adult education collegeCity Lit,a third of us spend less than 42 minutes a day doing something we like. Of course, we’re sleeping for around eight hours at night, but that leaves a lot of hours in the day that are being taken up by things we don’t enjoy and it’s taking a toll on us.

People we need to spend time having fun and doing things purely for pleasure. It’s the kind of self-care we should be doing to unwind and cope with stress. So it’s time to start doing more things we enjoy, whether that means taking a new exercise class, getting into gardening, or just reclaiming your lunch breaks to read a book for 20 minutes. It doesn’t have to cost a lot, but we need to be kinder to ourselves and that starts with doing stuff you like to do.


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