Bride Doesn't Want Maid of Honor Wearing Glasses During Wedding

Another day, another completely unreasonable bride. The latest bridezilla would rather see their maid of honor stumble her way through the wedding than ruin her pictures with her glasses. 

In a post on Reddit, the maid of honor shares that she’s “blind as a bat” yet the bride has told her she can’t wear her glasses not only for the ceremony, but the reception as well. While some may suggest she get contact lenses, the MOH explains that she has already spent a lot on the wedding, and would have to pay extra for another eye doctor appointment so she can’t really afford contacts. Plus the bride wants her to get hair extensions at her own expense, which is even more money.

“I don’t want to ‘ruin’ her wedding by wearing my glasses, but what in the world am I going to do?! I’m going to be stumbling around like a blind idiot,” she shares, noting when she brought it up to the bride, all she would say is that the dresses have pockets and she could keep her glasses there to briefly slide them on when necessary, but added that the MOH needed to “be sure and remove them, before exiting as a photographer may be in the area taking photos.”

The MOH says she wishes she had backed out but believes she is “stuck now,” and many folks on the Internet are siding with her.

  • “This is ridiculous. Tell her you are wearing your glasses,” one noted. "She knew what you looked like when she asked you to be in the wedding." Another added, “I don’t care if she’s a bride or Queen Elizabeth. What she’s asking isn’t reasonable or normal.”
  • Many others suggested that the MOH isn’t really stuck and does have another option besides not wearing her glasses. “You are an adult and can back out at any time,” one noted. “She's being ridiculous, especially for a woman of her age.”

Source:Fox News

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