This Is How Much The Average Person Spends On Dating

Did you know that in a lifetime, a typical person spends a little more than$121,000-dollars on dates? TRUE! That’s according to OnePoll and, who says that averages about $168 every month! And if you’ve tied the knot, add about $20-bucks to that.

Where’s it all go? When you’re in a relationship, going out to eat (60%) is at the top of the list for keeping the “spark alive.”Then there’s all this:

  • Date night at least once a week (54%)
  • Physical affection (52%)
  • Attending a concert or show (48%)
  • Celebrating milestone (46%)

That’s why it’s SUPER important to be clear who’s paying what – especially if you’re getting your fancy on and shucking out $200 for *that* dinner this weekend. Director of Product Management for Steph Reiley says it’s important to start having money conversations early on. He adds, “Discussing who will pay the check can be one of the first-times a date or new couple navigates a financial decision.”

If we’re keeping it traditional, the ladies aren’t trying to pay. We’re leaving that part to the fellas (66%).You may get a big surprise when:

  • Your lady offers to pay the bill (42%)
  • Or is willing to split the costs down the middle with you (24%)

If we take a step back and think about how much goes into a date, we’ll really understand why the singles leave the date to the married folks.

  • 24% of singles don’t have enough moolah
  • 62% of them blame the bad dating life on their financial situations

At the end of the day, always keep some money in your pockets for dates since you may be treating.

Source:New York Post

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