Ask These Questions To Matches For Major Compatibility!

For the sake of ~love~, here are some fun, spit-fire Qs to run through with potential online dating matches pre-date to see if you're compatible. Honestly, you're welcome, because this just might save you precious hours/days/months/years.

  1. Do you spend your Friday night vegging out on the couch, or hitting the gym because it's "not crowded?"
  2. Is your drunk snack a slice of pizza, or nut butter on an apple?
  3. Is your idea of working out lifting heavy weights, or walking to the nearest ice cream shop two blocks away?
  4. Do you go to Whole Foods for the fresh produce or the bangin’ chicken strips in the hot section?
  5. Is your idea of a good IG post a couple's workout video or a thirst trap on the beach?
  6. When someone orders soft pretzel sticks for the table, do you grab the biggest one before anyone else can, or decline because it's not your cheat day?
  7. Are you gluten and/or dairy free, or just consume a lot of Tums?
  8. Do you actually like tacos, or do you just not want to be in an argument with your partner for "not suggesting something other than tacos"?
  9. How do you feel about bread baskets?Do you and your crush's answers line up? Then there you have it, guys. The true test for compatibility.

Cosmo Poll: Do you think lifestyle habits are supes important in compatibility?

  • 69%-Absolutely
  • 31%-There are more important things


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