How elizabethany asked her friends to be in her wedding

I FINALLY did it! I asked my best friends to be in my wedding! It's been four months since I got engaged, and 3/4 knew the moment it happened they'd be in my wedding, but I assured them that I'd give them a proper ask before expecting them to commit to anything. One person probably didn't know I was asking him. Even though my brother knows how much I don't care about stupid gender traditions or whatever, the only hint I gave him was at our engagement party when I mentioned his speech at my wedding.

There were a couple options I had in mind at first, and I definitely asked people to call in and tell me what people have done for them. Randomly one day in the shower [of course] I realized how fun it would be to give them a book.

WHAT I DID: I made books full of photos and inside jokes and stories from decades worth of photos.

It's the fanciest kind of card, full of memories. They can get a "useful" gift on the wedding day. To me, asking someone to be in the wedding is all about one or two things: Your friendship with that person, and maybe what they'll need come wedding day.

HOW I DID IT: Everyone in my wedding has been prevalent in my life for at least 13 years. That's a lot of pictures. It took at least a month to really gather as many pictures as I can [luckily I used to be really good at uploading to Facebook], and then about a week's worth of creating the books on Shutterfly and Mixbook. [Mixbook was by far better to use if you like to put your own creativity into it. If you want the company to do most of the work, use Shutterfly.]

Here's a gallery of some of their favorite pages, and a video of giving it to two of them.

Two of my friends live nearby and I was able to give it to them on a camping trip. My Maid of Honor lives far, so I shipped it along with some onesies I made for her soon to be born baby. When my brother came in to record our podcast, I told him we had an "activity" to do and surprised him with the book asking him to be my MAN of Honor. Listen to his reaction as it all happens below! It'll be right after I try to trick him into eating a Warhead. [We're both the type to hide our emotions a bit so there's mostly a lot of really awkward laughing and finally a hug.]

Also!! Did you know I started a wedding podcast with Riley Couture and Rob Kruz? They're two of my coworkers who are ALSO newly engaged! We're only two episodes in so far, but I really like our dynamic because we're all SO different and it really shows in the way we're planning these big days. Give it a listen! This week we talked in depth about our first steps post ring, including our budgets and where we're getting the money from.

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