Hoody Reviews 'IT Chapter Two' in 60 Seconds or Less!

I got to see IT Chapter Two early and surprisingly I wasn't as scared as I thought, which in this case is not necessarily a bad thing! I actually think the IT movies helped me get over my fear of clowns!

The movie is actually pretty funny, which I think kind of counterbalances the horror in the film. Also I think that this version of the second part did a better than the TV-movie version did back when I was a kid. The movie is long (it's almost three hours long) and there were some scenes that I thought could have been cut. Here are some of my initial, SPOILER-FREE, thoughts on the film and what stood out to me:

  • Bill Hader is the BEST part of the movie (For his humor and his general acting)
  • Isaiah Mustafa (The Old Spice Guy) really shines throughout the whole movie and hopefully this leads to more opportunities for him
  • No End Credits Scene so go to the bathroom after this almost THREE HOUR movie!

Watch my full review for IT Chapter Two below:

I'm giving IT Chapter Two 7.2 out of 10 red balloons and if you are scared of clowns then this might be the best movie to help you combat that fear! Also can Bill Hader be in more movies? IT Chapter Two is in theaters starting on September 6th!

Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

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