Woman Upset After “Work Wife” Doesn’t Invite Her To Wedding

When it comes to weddings, the invite list is always a source of drama, especially over the issue of whether to invite singles with guests and that’s exactly the situation that lead one woman to write in to Ask Amy. The woman, who signed her letter “Sidelined Friend,” felt snubbed after her co-worker Jane didn’t invite her to her wedding.

Seems Jane and the writer got to be so close at work that Jane even called her her “Work Wife.” Not only that, but Jane and her fiancé Louis introduced the writer to her current boyfriend, who she’s been dating for a year. Well, when invites went out to the wedding, Charlie got invited but without a plus one, and Jane didn’t get invited at all!

When Charlie asked about it he was told, "Sorry, no girlfriends are allowed, only married couples." As you can imagine, Jane is pretty upset and asked whether she should just chalk it up to budget issues or maybe re-evaluate her relationship with Jane. Amy’s response was to not take it “personally” although she does admit the whole thing seems pretty “awkward.” She believes the writer is smart to “take the high road,” although she admits “your marriage to your work wife may be in trouble, however.”

Source:Chicago Tribune

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