Need A Break From Work? Don't Do This!

Lots of us turn to our phones when we need a quick break from work or a project we’re tackling, but it turns out, it’s not giving us the mental boost we’re looking for. A new study finds that the “break” we think we’re getting while scrolling through our phone actually has the opposite effect.

The research shows that grabbing your phone for a little stimulation between other tasks can have a negative effect on mental efficiency. In the study, participating college undergrads who took a phone break mid-task took 19% longer to finish the task and solved 22% fewer problems than those who spent a break on a computer or on paper.

Study authors conclude that phones have this affect because “even just seeing your phone activates thoughts of checking messages, connecting with people, access to ever-refilling information and more.” They explain that people “have half a mind on their phones at all times” and when we use our phones for a minute during a break, that only gets worse. So if you really want to boost mental stamina, take a break from the phone.


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