VIDEO: Beachgoers Rescue Hammerhead Shark with Hook in Mouth

Not sure where this is located, but it sure is scary to watch.

A Hammerhead Shark washed up on a beach somewhere, when a group of guys realized that it had a hook in it's mouth...and a pretty large one at that. The cool thing is, they didn't even think when it happened. The group of 7 immediately held the shark down and started digging the hook out of it's mouth - and the shark was CLEARLY angry, so it went into defense mode. When they finally removed the hook, they backed away and the shark started moving everywhere in it's path but couldn't get back into the ocean because the tide was too shallow - so one of the guys grabbed it and pulled back out so it could safely swim away.

While it's scary to watch, the heart on these guys is unmatched.

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