Beer Is Most People's Favorite Alcoholic Beverage!

While lots of people enjoy an alcoholic beverage here and there, what they prefer to drink varies, and according to a new poll there is one huge favorite, and another that is increasing in popularity.

A new Gallup Poll finds that beer is still America’s favorite adult beverage, with 38% of folks preferring some suds. But while wine has for years been the second-most popular, a new favorite is emerging. The survey finds that for the first time liquor has practically tied wine for second place, with 29% of drinkers saying they prefer liquor, up from 19% last year, while 30% prefer wine, a decrease from 35% over the past two years.

So, what is causing this increase in liquor love? Well, apparently young and middle aged adults have shown an increased preference in liquor, while young adults have lost their taste for wine and middle-aged adults no longer prefer beer. 


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