Ughhh More Than A Quarter Of Americans Are Online “Almost Constantly”

These days it seems like most people are constantly online, whether they’re using their tablets, phones or computers, and while you may think that’s an over exaggeration, a new study suggests that really isn’t the case.

A new Pew Research report finds that 28% of people say they go online “almost constantly,” a seven percent increase from 2015. And while that’s not necessarily the majority of the population, 81% of Americansdoadmit to going online on a daily basis, with 45% going online several times a day.

Pretty much most Americans go online at least a little.  In fact, only 9% of folks say they go online only once a day, while 8% say they go online several times a week or less. As for whether there’s anyone who doesn’t use the Internet at all, only 10% say that’s true. 

Not surprisingly, when it comes to being constantly connected, younger folks are more likely to admit that’s the case. It seems 48% of those 18 to 29 say they are almost constantly online, with 46% going online multiple times a day. The number is drastically less for those 65 and older, with only 7% of them going online almost constantly and 35% going online multiple times a day. 

Source:Pew Research

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