Things Successful People Don't Apologize For And Neither Should You!

There’s some things that you apologize for and some others you just don’t...well, at least if you want to be successful.

The Ladders put together a list of what those things are:

  • Things That Are Out Of Your Control- No one ever wants to admit that, even when the employees decide to come to work whenever they feel like it.
  • For Working Faster Than Others- So...are you just more productive because Jane just wastes time all day? Doesn’t matter, you’re the more effective one.
  • For Standing Up When Something Doesn’t Sit Right- Jacob is more of the quiet type, and you can be his mouthpiece when the “mean crew” comes around.
  • For Being Vocal in a Meeting- Your opinion about adding free snacks to the kitchen needs to be heard, no matter if Billy doesn’t agree.
  • For Focusing on Your Work- Just because Jason loves talking crap about Randy every two-seconds, you don’t have to engage. You have the right to ignore him.
  • For Taking a Vacation or Personal Days- The company wants you to take your time off. You earned it, so you have a right to use it. It doesn’t matter if your boss doesn’t want you to deep down inside.
  • For Setting Boundaries on Your Own Time- It’s your time, so you have the right to tell someone you can’t do something because it’s your day off.

Bottom line...keep those sorrys for the times you really need them.

Source:The Ladders

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