89% of Us Make Impulsive Purchases!

If you ever find yourself buying something randomly online that you didn't know you wanted, you really don't need, and you may never use . . . well, you aren't alone.

According to a new survey, 89% of people say they sometimes make impulse purchases. And not just cheap ones either.

40% of men and 32% of women say they dropped over $50 on their last impulse purchase . . . and that includes 23% of men and 16% of women who spent over $100.

The survey also found 28% of people spend more than $200 a month on takeout and delivery . . . 10% spend more than $200 a month on alcohol . . . and 5% spend more than $200 a month going to coffee shops.

But in spite of all that, 54% of people say they consider themselves a saver, not a spender. 


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