Mistakes Millennials Are Making When Switching Jobs

Fellow Millennials…we’ve got a new name—The Job-Jumping Generation.

We’re very different from our parents and grandparents. We’re more tech savvy and can knock out tasks A LOT quicker than they can. So, we tend to get bored with jobs quicker, too. While grandma stayed at her job for 35-years, five-years is eternity for us.

And apparently our new way of thinking has some pitfalls:

  • Impatience can be costly– Make sure you’re not losing out on thousands in retirement by jumping ship too soon.
  • Keep on top of your retirement funds– Each 401(k) plan is different, understand yours in and out.
  • Use your side hustle wisely– Use this extra money to up your 401(k) contributions.
  • Don’t get stuck under a house– Rent until you’re ready for that expensive purchaseand possible burden. Spread your wings and fly high, just be strategic about it.


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