Marriage Counselors Say These Are The Biggest Mistakes Couples Are Making!

Being in a relationship certainly isn’t easy, and we all make mistakes at one time or another. Some mistakes are fairly common with couples, and it’s safe to say that marriage counselors have had to deal with the same problems from couples time and time again.

Well, a new thread on Reddit has some of those counselors sharing some of the common mistakes couples are making in relationships, so if you’re having problems, you may want to listen up.

Common relationship mistakes people make, according to marriage counselors, include:

  • “Bringing up past misbehaviors when trying to resolve a current issue."
  • “Not giving intimacy in their relationship enough attention, including sex. Many relationships start with the 'hot and heavy' phase in which intimacy comes naturally. But as that phase diminishes, many couples don't spend the time and energy to figure out how to maintain it."
  • "Thinking that they have to feel 'in love' at all times, and that if they don't, then they obviously married the wrong person."
  • "Listening to respond and not listening to hear."
  • "Allowing family and friends to get too involved in the relationship. Remember the saying, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth?' Yeah — exactly this."
  • "Forgetting they're on the same team, and fighting to win instead of fighting to resolve."
  • "Expecting one person to be everything for you. You need friends, coworkers, hobbies, and a support system, too."
  • "Being someone's everything."
  • "Waiting until your relationship is already DOA before coming to therapy, and then expecting your therapist to revive it in one hour."
  • "Treating their pets better than their partners."
  • "Keeping score. Whether someone is keeping score of everything they've done or everything their partner has done, it's a death knell for the relationship. It's a partnership, not a competition."


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