Get Your Crush To Make Plans With You!

You guys just met a few weeks ago, but you text like you’ve known each other for YEARS. You’ve been keeping your composure, giving a little sexy stare here and there,but you still haven’t gotten that invite to the movies.

So what’s the hold up? Matchmaker and dating expertStef Safransays your losing the waiting game. "Start a conversation that you'll try to meet up in person for something casual,” she notes. “Like coffee, lunch, a workout class or go to a sports or trivia league together."

So they agree – but THEN what? Make. The Move. Clinical PsychologistDr. Joshua Klapowis here to back you on that. He says, "Youneverhave to wait for someone else to make the plans." AND, he’s totally right!

It’s only in dreams and movies that crushes will come and sweep us off our feet. So keep your eyes on the prize – and gitcha some!!

Source:Elite Daily

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