A New Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Rule Penalizes Players for Smelling Bad!

If you happen to be a master duelist at your local card shop then you may want to take a shower the next time you want to participate in a card tournament after a new rule goes into effect!

The official Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG), which is owned by parent company Konami, is cracking down on poor hygiene with the implementation of a new rule that penalizes players if they or their clothes are "dirty or bad-smelling."

The new rules requires everyone attending a tournament to be "clean or wearing clean clothing" and if they smell bad that they could be penalized!

Now I'm not saying that the typical tournament player when it comes to trading card games smells bad, but this could at least help public perception! However, who judges if someone smells bad enough? If that's a job can I have it?

(The Gamer)

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