PlayStation Allowing Cross-Platform Play Starting with Fortnite

Our voices have FINALLY been heard and PlayStation is adding cross-play support to third-party games (Not published by Sony) starting with Fortnite today!!

This means that PlayStation 4 owners will get to play Fortnite with all their friends who are playing it on Xbox One, PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch and mobile phones!

Sony stated in their press release on the PlayStation Blog that:

Following a comprehensive evaluation process, SIE has identified a path toward supporting cross-platform features for select third party content. We recognize that PS4 players have been eagerly awaiting an update, and we appreciate the community’s continued patience as we have navigated through this issue to find a solution.

Starting today there will be an open beta for Fortnite that lets PS4 players play other people on the Xbox One, Switch, PC, Mac and mobile which could be the first step in allowing almost every third-party game to allow cross-play!

Who knows maybe this time next year we will all be able to play Anthem, The Division 2, and Skull & Bones together no matter what console we each own!

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