Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


Barnes & Noble Is Expanding Thanks To BookTok

Barnes and Noble bookstore in the Fifth Avenue

Photo: aluxum / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

Barnes & Noble opened 57 stores in 2024 and plans to open at least 60 in 2025, part of a surprising revival for brick-and-mortar bookshops. Now you may be wondering, Why is this major news? Some of the new stores are in prime locations. The new D.C. flagship sits like a statement in some of Georgetown's most sought-after retail space. This comes as big news as the recent opening of the new bookstore on M St. has been all the buzz, which is wild to say as we're in 2025, where technology trumps all.

What's changed over the years is the introduction of 'BookTok' which wasn't as booming in previous years. This rush of new readers have come from the world of booktok, where everyone, in one large community, happily and confidently discusses and shares books with one another. I, myself, have rejoined the world of bookworms and I have to thank Tiktok for that.

As someone who has always loved reading, I felt alone when I was the only one talking about my recent read and it was honestly very discouraging. That was until I met a community of like-minded individuals in book tok and suddenly reading about love stories and dragons didn't seem so weird anymore!'

So with that being said, head to your nearest Barnes & Noble, grab a book and a chair and read till you simply cannot...or till they ask you to pay for your book and leave!

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