It's hard to get away from the never ending groupchats you were added to with or without your consent but nonetheless you're already too deep in to just 'leave the conversation.' so allow me to help you with some key tips on how to master the art of 'The Groupchat.'
Think Before You Post
- There are times when everyone needs to be involved in the discussion and times when they don’t.
Read and Reply
- If you reply to a message some way back in the conversation, make sure you respond to it directly so we all know what you’re referring to.
Use Mute Sparingly
- Only mute conversations you NEED to mute or else it makes it very inconvenient for the other chat members to have to re explain what was said and done days ago!
Watch The Time
- Make sure it is a good time for EVERYONE before you hit send on that response at 3am. Most people sleep with their ringers on so that 3am text could very well be disturbing their sleep at your convenience
Stay On Topic
- Try and keep everything reasonably relevant. Short and simple.
Quit When You Need To
- You’re not under any obligation to stay in a group chat you don’t want to be in!