Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


Canine Weddings Are On The Rise

Bride and Groom Dogs

Photo: TriggerPhoto / E+ / Getty Images

When I heard about this story I truly could not hold myself back! Let me set the scene for you: It was a dream wedding, complete with a picturesque outdoor setting, a white lace gown, and a delectable cake. The perfect day for golden retrievers "Bree and Bond " to tie the knot in front of their closest human and canine friends.

Pet weddings are on the rise in China! The popularity of pets and an increasing willingness to splurge on them are driving the trend. Spending on furry companions in 2024 rose 3.2% to $38.41 billion in just a year!

“People have weddings. Why can’t dogs have weddings?” Bree’s owner Rye Ling said after escorting his female pet down the aisle, where she exchanged vows promising to always share treats and play with her husband Bond. Roughly one in eight Chinese people owns a cat or a dog, with a majority of owners under 40.

Ling said he hoped the ceremony would give Bree and Bond a “sense of ritual.” Ling, who said he wanted only one child, also hopes to welcome puppies soon.

I see more puppy weddings in their future and hopefully a wedding invite in mine!

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