Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


This Is Why Half Of Couples Breakup After Their First Vacation Together!

It's most wonderful time of the year

Photo: svetikd / E+ / Getty Images

Your first trip may just be your last...

While many couples dream of a romantic rendezvous, the first trip together is the ultimate relationship test — and all too often becomes a dating disaster! Trust me, i've been there; it's not fun!

A couple’s first trip together is a major relationship milestone, whether it happens in your first six months of dating or in my case three years into your relationship, it's a big deal for the both of you! Spending several hours with someone isn’t the same as spending several days with them, and even spending weekends together isn’t the same as spending several weeks together. No matter how long you’ve been dating or how often you’re together, you’re more than likely to discover something new about your partner’s habits.

And, unfortunately, many don’t love what they learn.

For instance, an alarming 31% of couples have ended their relationships after consistently being woken up too early during a getaway. And while a snooze and a snuggle could save your relationship, they may not if they collide with hunger pains. About 38% of people admitted they decided to break up after their partner repeatedly made them late for dinner reservations.

Sharing a bathroom with a lover often leads to anxiety, but the real reasons why it stinks aren’t what you would think.

Nearly 40% of respondents said that seeing their partner leave toothpaste smeared in the sink and forget to replace the toilet paper while on vacation can flush romance down the drain.

But the worst relationship deal-breaker hits a little closer to home. When you go on your first trip together you start to realize how much they truly value you and your time. When you and your partner have been together for as long as you have, you would expect them to show a different level of care and compassion towards your needs. Most couples realized by the end of their trip (like myself) that they loved their significant other, but they realized their significant other didn't feel it as intensely and that's okay! everything is a learning experience so don't be hard on yourself!

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