Alison reached out to me about an amazing event supporting Leases of Valor. Leashes of Valor is an organization that provides highly-trained service dogs at no cost to wounded and disabled post-9/11 veterans.
Alison said her husband was wounded in Iraq and received a service dog via the organization. They're teaming up with Honor Brewing in Chantilly for a family friendly Charity event benefitting Leashes of Valor.
WHAT: Puppies & Beer Event supporting Leashes of Valor.
This is a family event with puppies that are future service dogs, face painting and other kids activities plus a corn hole tournament and raffle.
WHEN: June 24th @ 4PM
WHERE: Honor Brewing in Chantilly
Throughout June, Honor Brewing will feature the special brew “Monsoon” in honor of one of first service dog graduates, Monsoon, and his warrior, Rob, a combat-wounded Army veteran. Twenty-five percent of all proceeds from the Monsoon brew benefits Leashes of Valor.
Find out more about the event HERE