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Adventures in Stroller-Ville #MommyDread

I FINALLY ordered an umbrella stroller the other day so that we can graduate from that big bulky one and make life a little easier. Instead of being excited when it was delivered yesterday I was immediately flooded with what I like to call Mommy Dread.  Its that moment when you see your kid's face scrunch up and you know he's just laid a nasty golden egg in his diaper. Or in this case when something arrives in a big box that you thought came assembled only to open it and find a baggy of nuts and bolts. UGH.

Pure Mommy Dread right there.

Don't get me wrong, I do feel a sense of accomplishment when I finally put something together that I know my son will enjoy, but I HATE assembling strollers. Hate, hate, HATE it. I can remember being in the nesting phase while 7 months preggo sitting on the floor crying like a lunatic because I couldn't figure out how to get the wheels on that damn first stroller. (Still hate that bulky thing) I even went so far as to call my friend in Delaware begging for  his help. Its kinda comical to think about it now. He was like "Riley, your in Atlanta and I'm thousands of miles away. Can we YouTube this together or something?" Bless his heart.

Needless to say my disdain for stroller creating hasn't changed much. But at least this time there were no tears. A tad bit of whining, but no tears. 

~ Hugs and Smiles ~ Riley Couture 

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