This Girlfriend Went Viral For Carrying Her Drunk Boyfriend Home

This might be the literal definition of what Fun and Janelle Monae had in mind for their 2012 song "Carry You Home" because a woman went viral this past weekend for literally carrying her man home from the bar!

In the clip, which you can see below, the girlfriend was filmed trying to help her drunk boyfriend walk in a straight line from the bar, but halfway during the video she decides to just lift him up on her shoulders and carry him on her shoulders.

The original video had over 3.9 million views before it got deleted, but it has since been reposted various times on TikTok. Many in the comments are applauding the woman for sticking with her man in his most vulnerable moment and this might also be relationship goals.

Check out the video below and would you be able to do the same with your partner?

Also here's Fun. and Janelle Monae's "Carry You Home" to give you that nostalgia of ELEVEN YEARS AGO!!

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