Apple May Finally Let You Use Face ID With A Mask In New Update

Young Asian man with protective face mask using smartphone while commuting in the city riding on subway

Photo: Getty Images

It only took Apple almost two years to figure out how to let you unlock your phone with Face ID while wearing a mask, but the next iOS update looks like it will finally enable the feature!

Apple appears to be testing the new feature in its developer beta for iOS 15.4 and you'll actually be able to unlock your phone with really just the top portion of your face, which we can all agree comes in handy when wearing a mask in public.

However, not every iPhone user is going to be able to use the function as it looks like only iPhone 12 and 13 owners will have the feature coming in the next iOS update.

You can see photos of what the new feature will look like in your phone's Setting page, but fingers crossed this new update comes soon!

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