All the FREE Games You Can Get in January

Welcome to 2019 and while you might be tired of spending money because of the holidays I have you covered with all the FREE games you can play this month and not feel guilty about spending any more money!

Every month Xbox and PlayStation offer gamers free video games if they have Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus and this month's games include some of the best games of 2018, including a Game of the Year nominee. So if you need something to play after playing all the games you got in your holiday haul then try these out.



Both systems have great games to give, but I'm going to say if you have an Xbox that you are going to win this month just because of Celeste since it was nominated for Game of the Year practically everywhere! Have fun playing games and even if you don't want to play the games this month you can always download them and keep them forever! Play on!

Photo credit: Getty Images

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