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Millennials and Facebook Have Changed How We Break Up

Breakups used to be relatively private things in our lives. We’d immediately call our moms and our closest friends, and the news would spread slowly after that. Now, we broadcast every second of our relationships with Facebook and Instagram. And with Facebook relationship statuses involved, there’s no shot we can get out of a breakup without it becoming a public event.

Imaging if you’re an older millennial and you’ve been married to your boo for 5 or 6 years now. Your Facebook homies have seen the engagement photos, the wedding photos, and your life together. Now you have to delete all of that stuff and maybe half of your Facebook friends? It all makes breaking up seem super dramatic.

While divorce and splits in long term relationships are less likely in millennials, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all. And when it comes to dealing with our social media after our lives have been intertwined with someone else’s for years, breakups become a whole new level of miserable!

Source: USA Today

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