The Justice League movie is still going through re-shoots, months before its November release, but new details have emerged that part of the re-shoots were to change the tone of Ray Fisher’s Cyborg. Apparently the re-shoots made the character lighten up, which is great because it makes him more similar to his appearances in the Teen Titans series.
A few weeks ago Pokémon Go released legendary Pokémon to the game and now one of the franchises most notable legendaries, Mewtwo, is finally coming to the game! What started as an initial Japanese release will soon be available in the US so you’ll have your shot of completing the original 150 Pokédex!
If you’re a big fan of Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury you’re going to have to wait a while until you see him in another Marvel film, because in an interview the actor revealed he hasn’t been called for any Marvel films besides Captain Marvel! Jackson signed a nine-picture deal with Marvel and only seven have been fulfilled so far.
That’s your Checkpoint for the day, make sure to hang out with the Crisis Crew every week with new episodes of Crisis on Infinite Podcasts every Thursday and for all your Comic-Con news and more keep it locked to!