A tweet has gone viral where Serrano explained that her cousin's youngest child, 4-month-old Jonas, has to wear a head-shaping helmet — so now everyone in the family wears helmets too!
After the photo went viral, BuzzFeed interviewed Gutierrez, who explained that Jonas has to wear the head-shaping helmet because the back of his head is "severely flat." Jonas received his helmet this past week and will have to wear it for between three and six months. (The helmet will correct the flatness, which Gutierrez said was caused by Jonas repeatedly sleeping on his back.)
Jonas's older sister, 3-year-old Camila, immediately decided she was going to wear a helmet just like her brother's and then the rest of the family joined in. "[Camila's] all about inclusion," Gutierrez explained. "She wants her brother to be happy. She doesn't want him to feel different." Which basically makes Camila the best big sister in the world.
Me too Will, Me too!
Source: Cosmopolitan