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Gendry's Coming Back to Take the Throne! - Crisis on Infinite Podcasts #38

We all got to see Spider-Man and cannot wait to talk about the awesome things about the film and what it means for the future of Marvel! Why is October 27 such a big deal in pop culture this year? Why are we not really excited for the new Pokemon movie?  What will probably be revealed at D23 and Comic-Con this year? Plus, Game of Thrones is coming back this week and we're already talking about everything that could potentially go down on our new segment #WatchtheThrone! 

Follow Kevin, Hoody, Alex and Javi (THE CRISIS CREW) on their social medias for all your nerdy updates throughout the week too:

Alex: @AlexNPittman

Hoody: @andrewhoody

Javi: @cupofjavi

Kevin: @M0T3KK

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