Dating is hard enough, not sure why someone decided to add weird wing-like things into the mix in an effort to "help" you date... but someone did. It is called Ripple, and it is wearable technology that is supposed to help you recognize who may be interested in you by the way they look at you.
"Ripple is an accessory that encourages the experience of courtship in daily life, by scanning your surroundings to work out who is attracted to you. Ripple widens women’s perception by giving them physical sensations to point out who is showing interest in them. If the interest is mutual, Ripple perceives these natural reactions and amplifies the flirtatious language by moving in response to the suitors gaze."
The fluffy, colorful shoulder pads use cameras to sense who is looking at you and how they look at you, and when it senses someone may be into you, it sends a ripple down your back telling you to stand up straight. It also becomes warm when you make eye contact with your connection, as to try to make you more comfortable, and taps your chest when you turn to face the person.
Yeah, I think I'll stick to the old-fashion way of actually meeting people...but thanks.