What year were you born? What were your peak trick-or-treating years? Take a look back at all of the year's most popular costumes, and reminisce on what you might've been [unless your parents forced you into some nonsense all the time].
1985: Hulk Hogan
1986: Care Bears
1987: Where's Waldo
1988: Elvira
1989: Batman
1990: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
1991: Terminator
1992: Catwoman
1993: Barney
1994: Power Rangers
1995: Star Trek
1996: Scream
1997: Batman and Robin
1998: South Park
1999: The Matrix
2000: Austin Powers
2001: SNL Spartan Cheerleaders
2002: Spiderman
2003: Pirates
2004: Spongebob Squarepants
2005: Star Wars
2006: Barack Obama
2007: Spiderman
2008: The Joker
2009: Vampire
2010: Lady Gaga
2011: Jersey Shore
2012: The Avengers
2013: Twerkin Teddy/Miley's performances
2014: Elsa/anyone from Frozen
2015: Caitlyn Jenner
2016: Donald Trump
2017: Hocus Pocus
2018 AND 2019: Fortnite
And some of my favorite ideas for 2020: Trolls World Tour or Murder Hornets.