When you're coming up with an excuse... I feel like it's something elaborate... then you try to pull it back... but it's not pulled back enough.
This girl was straight up honest with her professor, though. She had been dumped by her man, and YOU KNOW how something like that can really wreck your life.
The thing is, MOST people have been through getting dumped. They get it. So I can only hope that a professor would accept this excuse once in a while.
That girl is so cute and her email is so good that I already know the dude was an idiot for dumping her... and the Internet knows it too, telling her they wanna help get revenge, poop on his lawn, etc.
FYI the teacher responded with, "Well, life happens. Seems like a good time to go to Europe."
PREACH. When one goes through a breakup, one should travel solo. Trust me. I know all about this.