Someone Flew a Banner Over Seattle to Remake Game of Thrones' Final Season!

Turns out that A LOT more people were disappointed with how Game of Thrones ended then those that were satisfied with it and one fan was so disappointed that he paid to fly a sky banner over Seattle to prove his point!

Now just to let you know that the fan didn't pay for the nearly $700 banner because he was disgruntled, but because he wanted to see how many frustrated fans would actually donate to his cause because he crowdfunded the whole thing through GoFundMe!

The crowdfunding page earned enough to cover the banner in five days with just 17 donors and the fan has said that any leftover funds would be used for future banners about the show. Check out what the first banner looks like below!

Also if you have THOUGHTS about the Game of Thrones finale then make sure to listen to the Game of Thrones special we did below that was sort of our catharsis of saying goodbye to the show!

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