NINE-NINE!! We made it to 99 episodes and are so grateful for you listening to us! Join Hoody, Kevin, Javi, and Alex as we talk about how the Dark Phoenix trailer was kind of underwhelming! Also how crazy is that we have a backstory for Nagini in Fantastic Beasts? Plus we talk about cross-play coming to PS4 and sit down to talk with DC 101’s Mike Jones and more!!
Follow Kevin, Hoody, Alex and Javi (THE CRISIS CREW) on their social medias for all your nerdy updates throughout the week too:
Alex: @AlexNPittman
Hoody: @andrewhoody
Javi: @cupofjavi
Kevin: @M0T3KK
The First "Dark Phoenix" Trailer is FINALLY HERE!!
This Year's Arrowverse Crossover is Called "Elseworlds!"
Birds of Prey Movie Has Cast Its Huntress and Black Canary
PlayStation Allowing Cross-Platform Play Starting with Fortnite
Pokemon Go Revealed a Brand New Pokemon!
Nagini is a Real Person in New Fantastic Beasts Trailer!
Telltale Games Actively Seeking to Finish The Walking Dead After Closing