10 TONS of Trash Left on Virginia Beach This Weekend...GROSS

This past weekend has left Virginia Beach residents to pick up trash on their own turf due to 'Floatopia' being this past weekend and apparently grown-ass adults don't know how to pick up after themselves.

Floatopia is something that happens every year on Memorial Day Weekend at Virginia Beach, where beachgoers bring floats to the ocean and just hang out. Except this year, they literally TRASHED the beach, leaving the city to come clean up a little bit, but most of it is up to the residents.

Just a word: if you're going somewhere, CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF. Honestly, I'm not sure how y'alls parents raised YOU, but this is a disgrace not only to the environment, but to people like my sister, who is out there cleaning up her neighborhood due to TOURISTS.

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