ICYMI: Florida Women Crashed, Resisted Arrest...WHILE NAKED AND GOT TASERED

We've said it once and we'll say it again: Florida, y'all.

According to CBS12, A custodian made a call to 911, indicating that 3 naked women were standing in the middle of the road. The women had just taken a shower and were standing in the road to "air dry." As a trooper approached them, they hopped in their car and sped off, but the cop let them go because "it didn't fit FHP criteria."

BUT THEN, they got a second call about a reckless driver. More cops came to help the chase and when they pulled them over, one cop came to arrest one of the women, but the driver started the car up and almost hit him - THEN one of the other women got out of the car with a metal bat, so another trooper hit their car to slow them down BUT THEY GOT AWAY 🙆🏽‍♀️

In the middle of the getaway, the tires deflated on their car, causing them to lose control of the car, so once the car came to a stop, all 3 women resisted arrest and locked arms, STILL NAKED, in the car, so the troopers had to bust a window to get in the car, and they had to taser all 3 women to get them into custody.

See the INSANE video below.

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