A new survey by Mars Petcare of 1,000 dog owners and 1,000 cat owners looked into the differences between them. Among what they found:
- Cat owners see themselves as being more creative and are nearly four times as likely to work in creative fields. Dog owners tend to earn more money, and are twice as likely to work in the financial field.
- Cat owners are more likely to watch a documentary and to prefer musicals and indie films. Dog owners are bigger fans of horror and action movies, but also like romcoms and romance movies.
- Cat owners are more likely to enjoy hobbies like reading, writing or gardening. Dog owners are more likely to prefer sports, yoga, dancing and travel.
- Cat owners are more likely to spill their thoughts and secrets to their pet then dog owners.
- Dogs have a greater influence on their owners' decisions than cats do.
- Dog owners are twice as likely as cat owners to throw a birthday party for their pet.
- But what about if you're BOTH?? Well, I guess that makes you the Best Of BOTH Worlds!
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